Dec 15, 2021
This week we sat down with The Rabbi, a kink educator with an eclectic mix of topping interests. We talked about kink you can do on a dollar store budget, such as cell popping, quills, gua-sha, body drumming, and chain fisting. We also discussed DISC theory and how he uses this model in his counseling practice to help...
Dec 8, 2021
This week we (Dick and Gwen) bought each other collars, something we’ve been negotiating for awhile, so we wanted to take an episode to talk about our feelings on the subject! We discussed how we negotiated collars as switches (and why we bought one for each other rather than for just one of us), our favorite ways to...
Dec 1, 2021
This week we sat down with jezeBelle to talk about their experience working at a legal brothel in Nevada and their feelings on the brothel system as a form of sex work. We also talked about being a part of a leather community and erotic bootblacking.
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